“All Are Welcome In This Place”

Weekend Worship

crucifix 2006

We are so glad that you are thinking about joining us for worship!
At this time we are in transition in the search for a Priest.  We still offer three weekend worship services (see details below).  A team of parishioners hold a Morning Prayer weekly on Mondays at 9:00am at the church, and all are invited to attend.  Our Safety Ministry Team suggests parishioners follow their comfort tolerance with wearing masks.  

St. Andrew’s offers three opportunities for worship each weekend:
•The 5:30p.m. service on Saturday is a Rite II Eucharist held in-person,
•The 8:00 a.m. service on Sunday is a Rite I service held in-person;
• The 10a.m. service on Sunday is a Rite II service , with a choir and  traditional hymns sung throughout the service. This service is both in-person
and online on YouTube.

•  Holy Eucharist is offered at each service weekly.
Don’t worry if you’ve never been to an Episcopal worship service.  Printed worship bulletins include the entire service and the words and music for any hymns. This makes it easy for anyone to follow along with our worship.  Also, don’t worry about what to wear.  God looks at the interior of our heart, not the exterior of our clothing!

Unable to make it on Sundays? check out our YouTube page for out 10am service livestream and recordings of you previous Services.

PLEASE NOTE: On the first Sunday of the month, there is only ONE worship service held at 9:00am, followed by a brunch in the Gathering Space. (There is no Saturday evening service held on the first weekend of the month). This allows our parish family to worship together at one service, and enjoy the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Receiving Communion at St. Andrew’sMance, Jack & Bev Houser 2006
Holy Communion is offered weekly at each of our weekend worship services and all baptized Christians are welcome, and encouraged, to receive communion.  Parishioners receive the host at the altar, and then those who would also like to receive the wine at the altar receive there or you may walk to the Clark Altar in the south cloister where the Lay Eucharistic Minister will offer a small individual cup to you.  If you desire to take only the bread (host), you may return to your pew after receiving it.
If you do not wish to receive any communion, but wish to receive a blessing from the priest, please cross your arms over your chest as you approach the Pastor.

Nursery Care for Children
Please note that the nursery is not open at this time.   If you are interested in nursery care,  please contact our church office at 219-462-4946.

Hospitality Ministry ~ Food & Fellowship
We enjoy a time of fellowship after both of our Sunday worship services over a selection of donuts and coffee! Volunteers are needed to assist at the 8am service with  picking up the baked goods and setting up coffee  Volunteers are needed for our 10am service to clean up after the Fellowship Hour. We do our best to maintain safety standards. If you feel a call to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Ministry Leader Chris Kado at 219-813-4875 or [email protected].