“All Are Welcome In This Place”

Worship Ministry

There are many opportunities for you to become actively involved in worship at St. Andrew’s. Consider your special interests and abilities, and, no matter what your age, how you might serve in worship at St. Andrew’s.
Greeters/Ushers– St. Andrew’s is known for the sense of “welcome” to newcomers through the Greeter/Usher ministry.  Greeters help our guests feel comfortable during their experience with us by answering questions, giving directions, distributing bulletins, facilitating in the offertory, and guiding everyone as we partake of Holy Communion.
Altar Guild The Altar Guild needs more members. There is a greater need for people to help at 10:00 am service and 5:30 pm service. If you are interested, please get in touch with Missy Parks at [email protected] or 219-766-3536. Altar Guild prepares for the sacred worship at each liturgical celebration (worship service). Participation is open to any member of the congregation. Altar Guild members prepare the linens and vessels used at the altar for all worship services, coordinate banners and hangings for each liturgical season, display flower arrangements, and provide continuing care for vestments and linens. Meetings are held throughout the year to discuss and plan the special worship celebrations, such as Easter and Christmas. and for an opportunity to discuss the status of altar supplies and training. We also like to have a fun time together, so join us!
Lay Eucharistic Ministers – Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM’s) are parishioners who receive training and become licensed by the Bishop to assist with our worship in various ways. LEMs assist with formal worship by reading the scripture lessons and assisting with the Holy Eucharist by distributing communion.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) – are people trained to take Communion in a timely manner following a celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present at worship.
Lectors (Scripture Readers) – Lectors proclaim God’s Word

and offer prayers at all regularly-scheduled worship services and special mid-week services such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Lectors are committed to conveying the wonderful words of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer as meaningfully as possible. Readers are trained to learn how to do read the lesson and how to fit smoothly into the services they are part of. There is always something to learn, even for the most experienced readers. Young people grades 3 and up are welcome, as are seniors and all ages in-between.

Acolytes – Acolytes are boys and girls ages 8 to 18 who serve as torch bearers,
servers and crucifers during our worship services. This is an especially important learning experience for children. During this time of serving, children begin to understand and develop a personal appreciation for the worship traditions and heritage of our Church.

Music Ministry
Our music ministry is associated with our 10:00 am service each Sunday.  The choir and accompanists are also central to our special services at Christmastime and Easter.  Please contact  Jeanne Foster, Music Director, after Sunday services for more information