“All Are Welcome In This Place”

Outreach & Mission

Moving Forward in Faith
Jesus said, “As you have done unto the least of these, so you have done unto Me.” 
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
Through this loving service, those serving and those served are both transformed.   The following are  ministries in which we partake through the year and invite you to make donations. If you have any questions about this ministry, please contact Ministry Leader Jennie Brock @ [email protected] with questions.

Backpack Ministry:  
This ministry is held annually in July. Part of the back-to-school excitement for children comes from picking out new crayons, folders, and backpacks; however, many families in our community are unable to provide these supplies for their children. As back-to-school shopping begins, will you please pick up a few extra school supplies for this ministry.
This year, the Outreach Ministry is working with Valparaiso schools social workers who will distribute supplies to each school based on need. The supplies will be distributed to the elementary schools, and possibly the middle schools and high school. There will be a “bus” near the Children’s Wing where you can drop off your donations. We are collecting supplies through August 13th. A heartfelt thank you to all who assist with this ministry, and for all who make donations. 
List of supplies needed: #2 pencils, pens, highlighters, 24ct crayons, 24ct colored pencils, 10ct colored markers, tempera paint, spiral notebooks WIDE RULED, notebook paper WIDE RULED, 2-pocket folders, pink erasers, Elmer’s glue sticks, children’s scissors, 3-ring binders, reusable water bottles, backpacks, facial tissue, headphones/earbuds.  

The Caring Place:Two Men And A Truck
Items needed: dryer sheets, dish soap, laundry detergent shampoo/conditioner, infant/children’s Tylenol, disinfecting spray/wipes, toilet paper, feminine products, paper towel, twin-sized comforters/sheets, NEW bras and underwear, Sharpie markers, Play-Doh, collapsible hampers, city of Valpo bus tokens, gift cards from Walmart, dollar stores, Stracks, Uber, Meijer, and gas stations. Please bring donations to the church and place them in the labeled bin in the Gathering Space.  Thank you for ‘serving God by serving others.’Christian Food Pantry

Christian Food Pantry
See food Pantry Page

Dressed for School:
Dressed for School, INC is a local nonprofit organization providing a no cost clothes shopping experience in a store-like environment for Porter County elementary age children in need or in crisis. We are collecting NEW items only: socks, underwear, sport bras (up to kids XXL), boys and girls athletic shoes sizes 10-7.Episcopal Migration Ministries:

Episcopal Relief & Development

The God Pod at Porter County Jail:
The Jail Ministry is intentional to bring this group of inmates to God with bible studies and discussions, and  is back up and running at the Porter County Jail after Covid quarantine although with fewer inmates and staff in the God Pod to comply with social distancing. Two of our parishioners, Tom Muchesko and Mance Parks, serve as instructors.

Warm Clothing Drive:  
We collect coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots in both children and adult sizes. Please share the gift of warmth with our friends at the Hilltop Neighborhood House . Your gifts of new warm coats, socks and new or gently-used winter boots, etc. will be a blessing to the children and  adults in the neighborhood.  “and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” Ephesians 6:15

Housing Opportunities

Valparaiso and Porter Co. have not been immune from the economic and pandemic crisis affecting our nation, further compounding the problem of homelessness and home insecurity. One of the issues that impacts racism in our nation is affordable housing. Housing Opportunities is a Valparaiso nonprofit whose mission is to provide affordable housing to the most vulnerable members of our community. Throughout the season of Lent, we are asking you for financial donations to support this important ministry. Checks may be made to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church with the words “Housing Opportunities” in the memo line, and sent to church. Thank you for your  support of this vital service to our community.  To learn more about Housing Opportunities, click these links:
HO Fact Sheet –  HO Impact Report

New Creation Men’s Shelter Dinners:
Different ministry teams and/or individuals at St. Andrew’s host a monthly dinner from October through April for local homeless men of New Creation Men’s Shelter at The First Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Valparaiso St. and Bullseye Lake Rd.  Volunteers offer to make a dish to share and/or volunteer to serve and clean up on the 4th Wednesday of the month . Please contact Jennie Brock at [email protected] for more information.

Red Cross Blood Drive:
St. Andrew’s hosts a quarterly blood drive for the American Red Cross  inside our church’s gathering space. With the demand for blood donations at an all-time high, our community partners with the Red Cross to provide much needed blood to people throughout the midwest.
lease reserve your time slot at www.redcross.org