We believe that prayer is the foundation of our spiritual life. We take seriously Jesus’ command that “His house will be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). Everyone needs help at some point in their lives. You are not alone. If you would like someone to pray with you or for you, you may contact us in several different ways.
To contact our Pastor
If you have a pastoral emergency, you may call the church office at 219-462-4946
To receive healing prayer at our worship services
After each of our weekend services, we invite you to allow us to pray for you. A prayer minister will be available for you to pray with, and if you wish, to lay hands upon you and anoint you in the name of the Lord.
To share a prayer request
† You may fill out and submit our Online Prayer Request Form. On this form, you may share your prayer request with us and, if you wish, you can ask to have our Pastor contact you.
† During worship services, you may fill out a Prayer Request card located in the pew rack and put it in our offering plate.
All prayer requests are confidential. They are seen and handled only by our Pastor
and the members of our Intercessory Prayer Ministry who are trained to receive your requests.
To share in our Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Bible teaches that whenever two or three are gathered together, God will be in the midst of them. We are pleased to announce that parishioner Katy Hamilton has heard the call to become our Intercessory Prayer Leader. She and her dedicated Intercessory Ministry team pray on behalf of others. We invite you to share your requests with us with the understanding that all requests are strictly confidential with the Priest and Prayer Ministry team. You may submit a prayer request by filling out the Prayer card located either in the pew rack, on the votive candle table at the back of the church, at the outdoor prayer box at the driveway entrance to the church, or by clicking on “Daily Prayer” on our home page. Our ministry team will pray for you daily.
The requirements to be a member of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry are a commitment to pray for others on most days, and an ability to maintain confidentiality. We meet weekly at church, but we do have some members who cannot meet in person, and we have found ways for them to participate. If you feel called to explore this ministry, please contact ministry leader Katy Hamilton at [email protected].
To participate in our Prayer Shawl Ministry
(Please note that as of June 2023, the Prayer Shawl ministry is on hiatus, except for those who continue to knit at home.) In the Bible, we are reminded that handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from the body of St. Paul and given to the sick, and “diseases left them.” Once a month, parishioners come together to knit prayer shawls that are blessed and given to anyone who may be going through a difficult time. Please call the church office if you would like to re-engage this ministry or would like to receive a hand-crafted prayer shawl.
To Pray the Daily Office
Click here to join us for online Morning and Evening Prayer (traditionally called the Daily Office).