Regular Schedule
Saturday 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist
Sunday 9:00 am Holy Eucharist
WATCH our 9:00 am service on our YouTube channel
One Church Brunch in the Gathering Space – April, June, August, October, December First Sundays after 9:00 am service
Messy Church – 4:00 pm on the First Sunday of the month, includes Holy Communion, and supper.d
Tuesday 12 noon Noon Office & study
Wednesday 9:00 am Morning Prayer
Wednesday 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist for Healing & study
3rd Fridays Holy Eucharist at Care Centers 11:00 am Life Care 1:00 pm Pines Village
For more about worship practices at St. Andrew’s and in the Episcopal Church, see our Welcome Page.
Church Office Hours
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Phone (219)-462-4946
We would love to see you! But sometimes we’re out of the office, on errands, or unavailable. To avoid disappointment, please call ahead if you’d like to stop by or are scheduling a delivery so we can be sure someone is here.
In case of pastoral emergency outside of office hours, please contact Mother Cathy Carpenter at (219)-386-5394.