Sculptor S. Thomas Scarff (1942-2024) wrote of his works,

Victory Flight
In “Victory Flight”, the Christ figure above the altar, I tried to convey the feeling of jubilant Christ ascending. Notice that the figure has no cables or other visible hanging devices. With His uplifted arms and face, I wanted to suggest the power, the peace, the freedom, and the joy of the Resurrection. The sculpture is made of aluminum, then metallized with bronze.
The Doors to the Holy

The doors for the tabernacle and aumbry are carved in relief to create a visual symbol of what is behind each one. The door of the tabernacle, which houses the Reserved Sacrament, has an image of Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper. Notice the rising sun which echoes that behind the Christ figure above it. The door which opens to the holy oils shows Jesus healing the man born blind. Notice the image of the Chicago coastline in the upper corner. On this doorway we do not see Jesus, just his back and head. It is his healing hand which dominates—that and the expression of the man who now can see as his eyes are opened.