Formation for all ages
Join us for Messy Church worship at 4-6 pm on the first Sunday of the month.—real church, just messy! This monthly service is for all ages 0 to 100. It is inter-generational and we also have dinner! Come enjoy church like you’ve not seen it before, if you are looking for some Jesus in your life! Bring your friends! We hear a lesson, celebrate Holy Communion and have some activities, And we have dinner too! It’s fun and yes, it IS church!
Youth Formation
Our middle and high school students are meeting in-person weekly, Sunday evenings at 4:00 pm. This is a time for our students to learn the Word of God and grow in community with each other. All youth are encouraged to participate.Contact Ministry Leader Jen Rodd at [email protected] for more information.
Children’s Formation
Young children are welcome at all services. We have “busy bags” with quiet activities available at the entrance to the church for little ones. If your young children would like to see what’s going on, they are welcome to join us at the table or font. Please come to the altar rail at communion time to receive communion or a blessing!
Adult Formation
A study group meets most Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm, and a duplicate session is held Tuesdays at 12:15 pm. Topics have included the Book of Esther (in both canonical and apocryphal forms), The Challenge of Paul, a video and discussion on Paul with John Dominic Crossan, Practices of Prayer, including lectio divina, visio divina, Art creation as prayer, the Anglican rosary (including making one), and a video and discussion series, Embracing Forgiveness with Barbara Cawthorne Crafton. Check our posts and calendar for upcoming dates and topics.
Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation
Independent study and/or a class with discussion are options for adults desiring to receive confirmation, be received into the Episcopal Church or reaffirm of their baptismal promises, usually when the bishop visits St. Andrews. For teens, a class is arranged, which may include a confirmation retreat.