St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Liturgy & Music Ministries

Liturgy & Music Ministries


Assist at the liturgy by carrying the cross, a torch, or the Gospel Book , and assist the priest and Eucharistic Minister in preparing the elements for the Holy Communion. Open to everyone 10+ years old, including adults.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship and tends to the vessels, linens and vestments. At holidays they decorate the church to enhance worship.


Leads the congregation in singing hymns, psalms, and service music, and prepares special musical offerings. For special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and Lessons & Carols, those who cannot regularly participate are invited to join the “regular” choristers.

Eucharistic Minister

Administer the chalice or serve individual cups, or occasionally the Host at the Holy Eucharist, and lead the Prayers of the People. As necessary, carry the Gospel Book or cross, and assist the priest to prepare elements for the Eucharist. Open to baptized and confirmed persons 16 years and older. Requires training and a license from the bishop.

Other Liturgical Licensed Lay Ministries

Worship Leaders are trained to conduct regular public worship, e.g. Morning or Evening prayer and must be licensed by the bishop.
Lay Preachers are trained to preach occasionally at the invitation of the clergy-in-charge. and must be licensed by the bishop

Lector (Reader)

Reads the first and second lessons at the Holy Eucharist and usually leads the psalm.


Do you play an instrument? Sing? St. Andrew’s is blessed with a number of talented individuals, and we’d love to have more, especially for special holiday services and events
