Building community and welcoming newcomers
Coffee Hour
Pick up donuts, make and serve coffee Sunday morning after worship service, and clean up afterwards.
Social Event
Help organize and execute parish social events either at St. Andrew’s or elsewhere.
Help with receptions for special events such as baptisms, confirmation, funerals, One Church brunch etc. Set up, cooks, servers, and clean-up are all needed!
Buildings & Grounds Ministry
Care for our buildings and grounds with a friendly group of dedicated problem-solvers. A variety of skills and abilities are needed.
Welcome those attending services, ensure doors are opened, lights are on, and necessary bulletins and handouts are available. Arrange disabled seating, offer assistive hearing devices, count attendees, notify clergy of those requiring communion in the pew, deliver alms and oblations to the altar. Offer Busy Bags for children and newcomer bags for visitors. A great way to get to know people!